Friday, November 16, 2012

Who Pays for CIR Programs?

Although CIR staff and volunteer board members spend countless hours writing grants to many different funding agencies, much of the work that we do is completely unfunded by any agency.  In these cases, CIR relies on individual contributions to help carry out these important projects.  As an example, CIR board members and other individual donors raised a big portion of the funding needed to purchase and construct a shade house on Anacapa Island as part of the nursery project there.  Although we are glad to work with our partners in the Park Service and Patagonia to help fund the nursery, individual donors helped make that project possible.  Also, CIR regularly contributes staff time (and the associated wages) so that adults can volunteer on the Channel islands.  Contributions from CIR supporters help fund these types of projects. 

Funding is often available for targeted schools to work with us on the Channel Islands, but many other schools must raise the money for the boat and other costs.  In those cases, CIR often donates the pay for our staff person to join the group and lead them in a restoration project.

Although CIR is a non-profit organization, we still need to pay the costs of doing "business" like for-profit companies.  The difference is, we operate on a near break-even basis, and we work on many projects because of their ecological or educational value and not their monetary value. 

CIR is required to pay considerable overhead expenses in order to work on our restoration projects.  These include workers compensation and liability insurance, accounting fees, rent for equipment storage and an administrative office, equipment purchases and maintenance, and staff time to administer a wide-ranging and busy organization.  As a percentage of our budget, these expenses are relatively low, but there is no funding available to pay for these costs other than contributions from our supporters.

We are always proud to announce that we have received grants from foundations or other agencies, but it is important to remember that CIR must raise a great deal of our funding from individuals to keep operating.    That is why we ask for contributions, and we hope that people who support our work will also support us financially.  Please join CIR today! 

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